Monday, 19 August 2019

The Pregnant Women In Pornography

Paraphilias and fetishes are predominately male traits, and although academia and some media state that women also have them, they are usually referring to the paraphilia known as 'Masochism'
Which mainly consists of suffering, humiliation, degradation, domination, cutting, being beaten, tortured, raped, bound or otherwise abused. 
I have discussed the reasons why most women are masochistic (mainly due to past child sexual abuse and rape, complex PTSD and Bi-polar)  here - [Link] 

Here is a comprehensive list of (most) paraphilias on wikipedia [Link]
Which categorises males sexual interests such as 'Amputees' 'Raping and cannibalising' 'Faeces, urine and flatulence, vomit, nappies, enemas' 'Corpses, stabbing, strangulation and zoosadism'
Males who have these sexual disorders display continuous intense sexual urges, fantasies and behaviours that often escalate into criminal acts. Paraphilia is a life long disorder of which there is no cure.

Sexual fetishes/paraphilias by gender. 

Pregnancy fetishism (also known as maiesiophilia)

Many of these individuals are also sexually aroused by particular aspects of the human female reproductive system, ranging from 'Vaginal discharge in underwear' 'menstruation/tampon fetish' to 'pregnancy, lactation and even childbirth'

The sexual arousal is so potent, that they will go to any lengths to obtain objects such as used underwear or used sanitary products. Either stealing women's underwear or buying them online. Searching for sanitary wear in women's toilets, disposal bins. Some insert tampons in their rectums, or smell/taste/wear used, discarded sanitary pads.

There are also thousands of porn videos online.

Normally, the average girl and woman naturally share their most intimate thoughts and questions surrounding menstruation with each other. A sisterhood, where mothers, Aunt's, sisters and close friends discuss this topic between each other. Typically, males tend to shame or humiliate girl's during their periods. Menstrual blood is a 'dirty' subject and even companies attempt to shame females and offer endless arrays of  products that 'cleanse, purify and perfume' Menstruation has always been a taboo subject, and in some countries, it means segregation and even exile for menstruating females.

Of course, the very fact that menstruation is a taboo subject, arouses the fetishists, who gravitate to taboo, deviant or indeed criminal acts.
That includes 'Lactation' A life giving nourishment meant for babies to survive and thrive, not for adult males to become sexually aroused. Images of breastfeeding mothers are regularly banned on social media, or indeed in many public spaces. It has become taboo in the western world and therefore attracted the fetishists.

For most women, pregnancy (especially the first time) is a highly significant event in her life, that is unlike any other.  Apart from the incredible emotions, physical and social changes, responsibilities, discomfort, health issues and anxieties. There is this incredible sense of pride and absolute wonder that you are creating another human being, inside of you.
Your protective instincts are so powerful that you would do anything to protect your unborn baby, such as giving up smoking, drinking and unnecessary medication. Many women also become disinterested in sex, usually because they suffer incredible tiredness, nausea, sickness, unpleasant physical changes and utter discomfort, especially in the last trimester. Also, many women feel uncomfortable at the thought of penetration so close to the baby's head. (and yes, I've heard that loads of women become really horny and feel that giving birth is like the biggest orgasm ever!) But I've never met one..

Domestic violence
Male perpetrators of domestic violence need to dominate women in order to gain a sense of control and power. 

These abusive men have a deep rooted anger and hatred of women.
They also want a 'Domesticated sex slave'  A woman who will succumb to his every need and wish. One that will wash his clothes, clean, cook his food and will be available for his sexual needs whenever he wants.
In order to create and keep a slave, he has to attain complete power and control over them.
That power and control consists of a complete destruction of the victims psyche, in which the victim becomes a worthless 'Nothing' who eventually develops a powerful dependency upon him. He completely strips his victim of her humanity.  He installs fear by terrorising her, to such a degree that she only lives in the capacity of surviving. He uses many different methods such as humiliation, degradation, belittlement, physical threats, actual violence, hurting/killing pets, rape, threatening to kill her or/and her children.   
In other words..He tortures his victim on a daily bases, often for many years and as we are all aware, many of these men do indeed kill their partners and also their own children. Some just murder the children, so that the Mothers can experience the worst pain and trauma that a Mother could ever endure.

Intimate partner abuse during pregnancy

Unfortunately, pregnancy can be an extremely dangerous time for some women. Pregnancy can trigger or incite her husband or partner to escalate abuse or indeed begin abusing her, because she is at her most vulnerable, as is the baby she carries.
The majority of studies on intimate partner violence during pregnancy measure physical violence during pregnancy, although sexual and emotional abuse during pregnancy are also considered as detrimental for women’s and their children’s well-being. An especially concerning form of physical violence during pregnancy is when abusive partners target a woman’s abdomen, thereby not only hurting the women but also potentially jeopardising the pregnancy.

Intimate partner violence during pregnancy: analysis of prevalence data from 19 countries [Link]

Pregnancy significantly increased women's risk of becoming a victim of intimate partner homicide.

Domestic violence and pregnancy [Link]

Intimate partner sexual violence

Sexual violence includes any form of sexual activity (involving physical contact, words, video or photographs) that takes place without the other person’s full and informed consent. Rape and sexual assault are mostly carried out by someone known to the victim: a husband, boyfriend, friend, colleague or other family member.

Prostitution and pornography

There are abusive males who will for varied reasons, coerce or even force their wives or partners into nudist lifestyles, threesomes, swinging, pornography [Including Bestiality] web-camming and prostitution. This can be to serve their own sexual interests, heighten feelings of domination, control and power, to further humiliate and degrade and/or for financial gain.
(Many women, especially if she is pregnant or has children are too afraid to report such abuse, as they feel shame and humiliation, and they are scared that social services/child protection will become involved and take away their children.)


Candaulism is a sexual practice or fantasy in which a man exposes his female partner, or images of her, to other people for their voyeuristic pleasure. Candaulism is also associated with voyeurism and exhibitionism.
The term may also be applied to the practice of undressing or otherwise exposing a female partner to others, or urging or forcing her to engage in sexual relations with a third person, such as during a swinging activity. Similarly, the term may also be applied to the posting of personal images of a female partner on the internet or urging or forcing her to wear clothing which reveals her physical attractiveness to others.
This was a comment left on an article about candaulism.

'Nudism' is a form of indecent exposure, re-framed as a form of 'Freedom' and although 'Nudists' have access to many clubs, beaches, holiday sites/ ship cruises, etc. They want the 'Freedom' to express their 'Authentic beautiful selves' in any public space, and have been fighting laws against public nudity for decades. Why would they do this? If they have complete access to thousands of nudist areas all over the world, why are they not content with that and why would they want to impose their 'Beautiful selves' onto everyone else, including children?  I believe that it's because males who expose their genitalia, only become sexually aroused by 'shocking and upsetting' their female and child victims. It's about power and sexual sadism. Taking pleasure in traumatising victims is what gets them off, so being a part of a nudist lifestyle does not enable that factor.

How to convince wife into nudism and swinging. Some examples taken off website forums and articles.

These males don't see this as coercion, they use words such as 'persuade' and 'convince'

And from swingers websites and forums

So, try slowly manipulating her overtime, watching 'Swingers Pornography' or going to a 'Strip club'

Or buy her a book

Disease risk higher for swingers than prostitutes [Link]

A woman talks about how her husband forces her into webcamming

And a DV victim forced to have sex and be filmed with another man by her abusive husband.
Google search

News articles 

These males also force children into bestiality as in this Canadian court case
Research on Bestiality/Zoophilia/Zoosadism/ connections with domestic violence, forced pornography and child abuse. [Link]

The pregnant women in pornography.
*Trigger warning
Although I have sanitised the images below by blurring breasts, anuses and genitalia, these images may be triggering. 

Although my research is conducted primarily on the most popular and mainstream site 'Pornhub'
I did google 'Pregnant porn' images, many of which were screen-shots from a website called
'Preggo abuse'
Many people (Especially the Pro-Porn/prostitution) would argue that these pregnant women are 'consenting adults' who 'chose' to perform these acts. 
Yes, some could well be. But what if they didn't? What if they were coerced or forced into these acts by an abusive partner? Most of these videos are 'Home-made' and males can upload them without consent from the females. 
So, in essence, we don't know if these women consented or not...

'Pregnant Kink'

In 2017 Pornhub announced the popularity of pregnancy porn and talked about how 'Enticing expecting moms can be'
But what they failed to reveal, is that many of the titles and videos are abusive and degrading. With titles such as -
'Pregnant slut/whore'
'Pregnant wife pussy destroyed'
'Pregnant fisting'
'Painal screaming for preggo'
'Pregnant teens pussy sore so I fucked her ass' or
'Pregnant gang-bang'

An example of just some of the titles found on pornhub.

'Preggo Lovers' porn videos.

There are videos on pornhub, in which males secretly film real pregnant women 'Candid preggo' in public spaces and then upload them onto this porn site. 'Great for jacking off'
[I blurred the women's faces, not the up-loader]

Or pregnant women in labour.

'Pregnant Bitch' 

'Pregnant teen slave'

This video was disturbing to watch.

This next video comes from a channel on pornhub called 'Asian Street Meat' As the title suggests, these women are prostituted/sex-trafficked. Many look under-age.
*Note the viewing figures

He then takes her to a bedroom

'Pregnant prostitute fucked in car' From a website called 

Pregnant Teens

Disturbing video of a male filming himself anally penetrating a young women in a nursery setting. *Nearly 9 million views

This pregnant woman appears to be in pain and discomfort, she continually whimpers, cries out and her facial expressions say everything.

'Pregnant Teen 'Get's talked into' Fucking'

There are many videos of this woman, filmed by her husband 'Felix'

Another video of her.

And here's 'Felix' her husband in another video uploaded onto his profile page.

As you can clearly see here, her self-harming scars cover her whole arm.

This is taken from her 'Profile page' on pornhub. Ironically called
'Love hurts' It has an approved tick, which means that they are a 
verified amateur couple. But any male can make a profile and upload onto pornhub without consent from the female.

Her profile page also contains some photographs, of which her husband 'Felix took' including stills from webcamming with other men. 

The following images are from 'Preggo Lovers' The scenes are shot in some nasty, cheap, weird rooms. I don't know the situation of these women, but I can see that they are really not happy.
[During my research - pornhub changed it's format, and no longer provides viewing figures or members comments etc.]

Another 'Preggo lovers' video

And another..

And another..


And another..

This one is shot on an old bus.

A male (I presume is her husband/partner) films another male aggressively penetrating his heavily pregnant wife/partner. This violent act was so distressing, I actually cried during and for a while after I watched this video.

'Pregnant wife get's banged' from ''

Another disturbing video from 'Preggo Abuse' on pornhub

'Husband exposing his pregnant wife'

'Painal screaming first anal for preggo'
This is a sadist, who is making money from filming his violent abuse of his wife/GF/partner. It is absolutely vile and disgusting.

'Thin, busty pregnant'

Another 'Verified amateur couple' The male is 44 and the female is 18. He makes a lot of videos. Here he is filming before her pregnancy.

And here's this beautiful specimen who calls himself 'Zeus'

Here he aggressively penetrates her anally at 39 weeks pregnant.

Here he is filming her genitalia whilst she is having contractions and just before she gives birth.
(Look at her facial expressions)

The husband also films himself in his lactation video.

'Blackbred - Pregnant and used'

This video is extremely disturbing (no audio) but the woman is visibly distressed throughout.

She covers her face with a cloth, but that is snatched off her.

'Pregnant big butt black prostitute'

After watching this video and becoming upset, because I knew that this heavily pregnant woman did not want to do this, her facial expressions, eyes, sadness, body language, pain and discomfort and lack of participation were apparent. I don't know if she was forced or coerced by her husband/partner for sure, but the fact of the matter is, that we don't know..

This is the audio of where she states 'It feels so good to be fucked on private'
You can hear her flat, monotone, scripted voice and words.

'Private society' is a website that hosts 'Amateur couples' and 'Swingers' etc.
They also have a channel on pornhub. *note the video views

On July 20th, I posted some images of just this woman's face, and asked people what they thought of her expressions. [LINK] And although, some males made some vile comments, the majority of people [501] agreed that she appeared to be completely detached. The most common words used were -
Fear/Dead/Afraid/Help me/Detachment/Frozen/Frightened/Upset/Scared/Drugged/Begging for help.
Some comments -
'Fearful, but trying to hide it' (clinical nurse specialist)
'Fear - dissociated - emotionally pained (counselling physiologist)
'She looks dead' (Human rights activist/photo journalist)

This video is of the same woman, filmed earlier in her pregnancy. I'm guessing that this is her husband/partner. (He makes my skin crawl)

Here whilst he is questioning her, her expressions turn almost manic.

And lastly, just a few examples of 
'Pregnant gang-bangs'

Whilst she is being anally penetrated, she says (twice) 
"I can't take it anymore" 
They hear her, but ignore her cries and continue to penetrate her.

The husband who is filming, appears to be very excited during filming of this video.

Eight males aggressively penetrate a woman who is 9 months pregnant.

'Real gangBangs'
This German company has members who pay to come and be filmed in live 'gang-bangs' Many wear masks, are married, really old, fat and disgusting. I believe that many of the women are prostituted.

'Preggo teens first gangbang bukkake orgy'
*There are many different uploads with different titles on pornhub, so difficult to ascertain viewing figures.

At the end of this video she is asked to blow a kiss for the camera.